Crowdsourcing Higher Social and Environmental Standards
As part of the revision process of the EO100™ Standard, Equitable Origin has launched a new online public consultation tool to solicit feedback and hear what you have to say. This crowdsourcing effort is an extension of Equitable Origin’s core commitment to multistakeholder engagement, a cornerstone of Equitable Origin’s approach to credible standard setting. Equitable Origin has a long history of consultation with diverse stakeholders – the EO100™ Standard is the product of years of dialogue with communities, indigenous groups, governments, NGOs, industry leaders and relevant experts. By using an online platform, we hope to reach more stakeholders than ever before, incorporating a wider diversity of perspectives and greater insights into the EO100™ Standard. Though we believe the EO100™ Standard is an important step in creating a rigorous and reliable social and environmental voluntary standard, we are committed to continually improving our system and delivering positive impact by encouraging responsible oil and gas development.
The strength of the EO system lies in its inclusionary and participatory framework. Its community-based design coupled with international collaboration has ensured that the EO system is relevant to the individuals and communities affected by negative social and environmental impacts of oil and gas development as well as being in line with international best practices in standard setting. The first public consultation phase will last until December 5th and is available in both English and Spanish, following the ISEAL Code of Good Practice for Setting Social and Environmental Standards. A second public consultation phase will take place next year to address unresolved issues from the first phase.
With your help, we are quickly becoming the benchmark for socially and environmentally responsible development in the oil and gas industry. If you have particular interest or expertise in certain areas, please comment on how we address these issues within the Standard. We welcome your ideas, perspectives and opinions as we embark on this important process to improve the EO100™ Standard.
Please contact: with any questions.