EO100™ Certification Process

The Equitable Origin system can be applied to a variety of nonrenewable and renewable energy development projects, including oil or natural gas exploration and production sites, solar installations, wind farms, and hydroelectric dams.

EO100™ implementation and certification can be undertaken at any point in the lifecycle of an operation, from planning to construction to production/generation to decommissioning.

Producers seeking certification against the EO100™ Standard for Responsible Energy Development and the relevant sector-specific Technical Addendum will go through the following steps:

  • Producer completes a self-assessment.
  • An independent certification assessment is conducted on-site by EO-approved assessors.
  • Producer demonstrates through the certification assessment that they meet or partially meet (where applicable) all Level 1 Performance Targets.
  • Producer drafts a Continuous Improvement Plan for any partially met Level 1 Performance Targets.
  • The assessment report is peer reviewed by an independent expert selected by Equitable Origin.
  • Equitable Origin makes the certification decision based on the recommendation of the assessors and the results of the peer review. The peer reviewer may recommend additional verification activities to be conducted prior to certification or during the next annual re-assessment as part of the ongoing certification.

A producer may be certified under this process for three years with annual verification assessments.

Annual verification assessments may be on-site or desk-based depending on the scope. The scope is determined using a risk-based approach that takes into account any changes in operations or incidents that have occurred in the prior year.

EO will review the annual verification report and make the decision to continue certification or suspend certification pending implementation of continuous improvement.

Certification Claims

We require that energy developers with sites certified to the EO100™ Standard for Responsible Energy Development communicate which sites have been certified. Our guidelines for use of our certification logo stipulate clearly that operators can only claim Equitable Origin endorsement of their practices for the individual sites that are certified and must not in any way use language in their marketing material to imply that any other site, function or department is certified under the EO100™ Standard. Certified energy development site names, their performance scores, and certification statuses are available to the public on the list of certified sites page. The EOP-105 Trademark Use Licensing outlines acceptable trademark use for operators.