EO Welcomes Latest Round of Both New and Expanding Independent Assessment Bodies
Following the completion of the latest round of EO100™ Assessor Training Equitable Origin (EO) is excited to announce the addition of both new assessment bodies, as well as the further growth of existing assessment bodies. EO welcomes Tannas Conservations Services Ltd., Corvus Consulting Inc., Aptus Sustainability Inc., and Sustrio ESG Advisors Inc. as the latest assessment bodies to be approved and join the organization’s network. Furthermore, EO Is deeply appreciative of the further growth of existing assessment bodies within the network, with new assessors representing Impact Resolutions and Geosyntec coming on board as well. All approved assessors must meet EO requirements for experience and attend extensive training to be accepted as a qualified assessor for the EO100™ Standard.
Independent assurance is key to the EO certification process. As standard setters, EO does not evaluate against its own principles, but instead requires qualified independent third parties to do assessments. Third party assurance allows for transparency, consistency and, most importantly, credibility. Experienced, trained assessors integrally involved in the certification process ensures that sites are evaluated fairly and professionally.
Given that the EO100™ Standard covers a broad range of ESG topics, each assessor brings their own area of expertise ranging from GHG emissions calculations to stakeholder engagement. This breadth of knowledge is valuable not only in conducting assessments but also in advising on revisions to the standard.
There are currently 64 approved assessors from 12 different assessment bodies across the US and Canada. See the full list of assessment bodies here.