EO100™ Addendum A and Addendum B updated to Final Versions
Equitable Origin announces that the updated and final versions of the EO100™ Addendum A: Greenhouse Gas Intensity Quantification Methodology and the EO100™ Addendum B: Key Performance Indicators for Public Disclosure are now available within the links provided here as well as under the Standards tab on our website, www.energystandards.org.
In EO100™ Addendum A: Greenhouse Gas Intensity Quantification Methodology, Equitable Origin is proposing to include a reporting metric of overall greenhouse gas intensity to enable differentiation of suppliers in the natural gas value chain and promote a positive influence to drive producers towards lower carbon intensity production. This would encourage operators to strive towards ultra-low GHG intensity and get recognition for achieving excellence. The final version of Addendum A shared here contains 4 separate tools for calculating GHG intensity. The key objectives, considerations, and recommendations are highlighted in brief here, and in full detail within the document.
The EO100™ Addendum B: Key Performance Indicators for Public Disclosure presents the key indicators that are of prime interest to stakeholders and Equitable Origin’s plans for including those within the public summary reports posted to our website for every certification issued. Equitable Origin has consulted with hundreds of stakeholders over the period of 2021/2022 that included interested investors, local distribution companies, governments, NGOs, and LNG off takers that all share common interest of having increased transparency in a currently opaque marketplace. Certain key indicators are a requirement to participate in many responsible procurement programs already and as the market evolves for certified gas further, there will be a requirement of public disclosure.