EO100™ DRAFT Renewable Energy Supplements

Certification of Onshore Wind & Solar Development


The IEA forecasts that of nearly $2.8T to be invested in energy development in 2023, roughly two-thirds will go into clean energy, with solar outpacing oil for the first time. This pace of Renewable Energy growth creates urgency in ensuring that the harms of previous waves of development are not repeated. Indigenous land appropriation , unsustainable material sourcing and community opposition are growing concerns. In response, EO is launching lifecycle-based technical supplements to our core EO100TM standard to help differentiate and recognize environmental, social and ethical leadership in Onshore Utility-Scale Wind and Onshore Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Solar projects. We are exploring additional Energy Transition standards.


Join Us!

Equitable Origin has embarked on a process to draft two new supplements to the EO100 Standard for Responsible Energy Development with support and input from an expert technical committee and other stakeholders:

  1. EO100 Technical Supplement – Onshore Utility-Scale Wind and
  2. EO100 Technical Supplement – Onshore Utility-Scale Solar.

The supplements are now published in draft format and are undergoing a 60-day public comment period from March – May 2024. If you would like to participate in this journey towards responsible renewable energy development, we invite you to:


Watch the Launch Webinar on March 28th

To kick off this important initiative, we hosted a webinar on March 28th to provide insights into the development plan for the supplements, discuss the importance of public feedback, and outline how you can participate in the public comment period. You can watch the recording here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xsk—vgozVYsrZrn-PuP1jdyXV4wosX/view?usp=sharing


Provide Feedback

We are seeking stakeholder feedback on the contents of the draft supplements – your feedback is crucial in shaping responsible renewable energy development. Find the DRAFT Supplements and feedback forms here.

PLEASE NOTE: These wind and solar are SUPPLEMENTS to the overarching EO100 Standard. Therefore, sites are  required to comply with all requirements in the EO100 Standard in addition to the requirements laid out in the following draft supplements.






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The EO100 Journey in Renewable Energy

Equitable Origin has dedicated nearly a decade to research, outreach, and standard development in Renewable Energy. Our key milestones include:


Meet our Technical Committee

  • Emma Wilson, Independent researcher and consultant on energy, extractive industries and sustainability
  • Rupak Thapaliya, Product Manager at Reactivate
  • Dave Berrade, Social Impact and Engagement Lead with ABO Wind Canada
  • Daniel C. Cardenas Jr., CEO and Chairman National Tribal Energy Association
  • Rebecca Nadel, Independent Expert
  • Binnu Jeyakumar, Independent Expert
  • Julia-Maria Becker, RBC Capital Markets

Read everyone’s bio on our Standards Technical Committee page.


Why Choose Equitable Origin

Established in 2009, Equitable Origin (EO) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that develops market-based mechanisms to incentivize environmental and social performance leadership in Energy development, with Indigenous Rights at their core. A social venture with operations in North America, South America and Europe, EO reinvests revenue from its Energy Certification program in Indigenous Peoples’ digital inclusion and environmental monitoring, to accelerate protection of Rights and Ecosystems in the Amazon region. With EO100 for Renewables, we aspire to enhance transparency, comparability and ensure greater social justice in the Transition to Net Zero. Find out more here