Tracy Austin

Board Member

Former Executive Director, Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas and former General Manager, Corporate Communications and Sustainability, Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas)

Tracy began her career with Mitsubishi in the 1980s and served as in-house counsel for 20 years. She had joint responsibility for both legal and public relations functions beginning in the early 1990s until 2008 when she was promoted to the position of General Manager, Corporate Communications and Executive Director of the Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation for the Americas (MCFA). Tracy retired from Mitsubishi in early 2020.

As Executive Director of MCFA, Tracy’s responsibilities included management of finances and programs of a corporate foundation that supports environmental causes throughout the Americas; cultivating a strategic approach to philanthropy that involved aligning the grant making with business strategy; achieving recognition for excellence in effective philanthropy; broadening the foundation’s programs to include mission-related investing, and proactive engagement with environmental stakeholders.

As General Manager of Corporate Communications and Sustainability for Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas), Tracy managed all aspects of corporate communications, including reputation risk management, stakeholder engagement, media relations, internal and external communications; as well as CSR and sustainability initiatives, including design and supervision of community engagement and employee volunteer programs.

Tracy’s foreign language competency includes French, Spanish and Japanese.